Please make sure to read all rules & policies for each public program before submitting a request. These specific rules & policies can be found on each individual request page. Also note that public program requests must be made no later than 2 weeks ahead of the desired date. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call (239)-348-7540.
station tours
Station tours cover everything from basic safety information to the daily life of GNFD firefighters. Groups will be able to experience a glimpse inside the world of first-responders.
Ride-along programs immerse participants into the action that GNFD crews see on a daily basis. Whether it's a medical or operational call, this experience provides a great opportunity for people looking to learn more about the inner workings of the GNFD fire service.
Community/ Educational Events allow the Fire District to participate in events and provides community groups the opportunity to learn directly from GNFD firefighters.